I know it's been a while since I've posted here, or have done anything here on my blog site at all. It's been a bit hectic around here ... with work, and Christmas just around the corner - literally, it's around every corner I round. 

In the last two days I've been here (I'm currently @ work typing this out to you while I wait for a client to arrive) for 18 hours. 2 days = 18 hours. It's been harsh, stressful and exhausting, let me tell you. I no longer feel badly for those people who work 9-10 hours a day, for I have tasted the frustrations, and bitterness of a 12 hour shift. 

I haven't had time to do much these past few days. Nothing beyond the necessity of eating and pooping and sleeping. I have, however, found time for a great book I discovered randomly - on my bookshelf. It's funny how those forgotten are usually the best ones. 

There's not been much time for writing. 
My creative writing (aka, my not so much of a novel) has taken a severe blow. I have not sat down with a notebook and pen in so very long, I may have forgotten what it feels like to even hold a pen in my hand. 

And soon, I must venture back out into to the cold morning of December 15th, the 10th day before Christmas. 

However, despite the early morning rising for work, I have the pleasures of watching the sun crest over the horizon. 

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    Who? Me
    Age? 21
    Gender? Female
    Anything else you need to know? Nope.