It's 11:43pm, so it will be Tuesday soon.
I know I haven't been writing lately, I've just been a little preoccupied with my new job, and this ... flu//virus thing I've gotten. And don't blame me if you haven't heard from me, either. You have my MSN. Don't be lazy. ;)

My mother and sister insisted on taking me to the ER last night, because I was complaining of a sore jaw, headache, ear ache, sore neck, shoulders and back, massive headaches, chest pains and a sore throat. I was also coughing pretty badly.
We suspected it was probably the flu (possibly even H1N1). Well, the doctor isn't even that sure (could be a viral infection, or H1N1 - too soon to tell, I suppose), but he put me on medicated oxygen for half an hour or so. That wasn't that fun, though it made me giggly after wards - and very unsteady // shaky.

Well, now I'm resting, and taking inhalers.
I'm not suppose to go to work for a few days. -sigh-
Well, what can you do?

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    Who? Me
    Age? 21
    Gender? Female
    Anything else you need to know? Nope.