


Today was a really slow day at work. It was incredibly boring, although it did give me a chance to work on my novella (Driffter), and talk to my boss - she's really nice, and fun to talk with.

I've got nothing really do to at the moment, I've already updated every other aspect of my site than I plan on doing today, so after I'm done writing this, I might even think about going to bed ...

Actually, that's not true at all!
I'm waiting ... some what patiently ... for my friend to log onto MSN. I'm trying to arrange a visit with her, I'd like to go down and see her for a few days if it's possible.

I'm also hoping I'll be able to visit Jeff this weekend. <3

I'm really tired (exhausted more like - it's so easy to get tired when you're sick ...) and I'd really like nothing more than to just stay in and do nothing, but I have this feeling my mother is going to make me go for a walk later - she doesn't like walking my dog, even though I walk hers when she's not able to ... not that I'm not ABLE to walk Eris ... I'm just so tired.



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    Who? Me
    Age? 21
    Gender? Female
    Anything else you need to know? Nope.